MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Marquette is looking for creators of all styles. The 2023 Art Week Cover Contest is here and anyone is welcome.
The contest is awarding $100 to the winner, with their work displayed on the cover of the art week 2023 booklet.
The theme of the art week is “Home” and the artists participating are to make something relevant to what “Home” looks like to them. “What is home to you what does ‘home’ mean for Marquette is it a feeling you have inside is it a place?”, said Marquette Arts and Culture Manager Tiina Morin.
Submissions can be sent to apruiett@marquettemi.gov with the subject line “ART WEEK 2023 COVER”.
Artwork will be accepted through Monday, April 13th. The contest will be open to a public vote from April 17th through the 21st and announce the winner on April 24th.
“That’s what we’re looking for an image that really invokes what home is and I’m excited to see what kind of entries we get because I think it means something different for everybody”, continued Morin.
Click here for information on how to register for the Cover Contest of 2023. This link will also have information on the deadlines and the rule for submissions.