Marquette, Mich. (WZMQ) – Each year the upper peninsula sees a lot of snowfall…averaging 60 inches in Escanaba all the way to over 300 inches in the Keweenaw.
All this snow can create unique challenges for townships and cities in U.P. They work hard to keep roads clear and safe for motorists. Oftentimes piles of snow are left on the sides of roads and street corners which can create dangerous conditions.
Scott Cambensy is the director of public works for the city of Marquette, he says “give yourself a little extra time to get where you are going. We try to keep up with it, but make sure you’re staying cautious. “
Cambensy told 19 News after large storms and heavy snowfall, the city of marquette’s main priority is to clear roads of snow. but the plowing can lead to large mounds of snow on road sides and intersections, which can cause visibility issues for motorists.
“It has been the main part of our winter operation for the most part,” Cambensy said, referring to the mounds of snow, “when we get into full blown winter we are plowing and then removing snow from our sidewalk routes.”
The city uses backhoes and trucks known as snow boxes to remove the snow that piles up.
“As the snow deepens and we progress through the winter, we actually go into a full out snow removal when we use snowplows to cut the snow and bring trucks to clean up behind it.” Says Cambensy.
It’s important to remember the removal of roadside snow poses some danger, especially for younger children. According to Cambensy children sometimes make forts or tend to play in the snow banks, which can be dangerous, as plow drivers have difficulty seeing them in the mounds.
After the snow is collected it is brought out and dumped at city-owned property where it remains until the spring comes around and melts it away.