Negaunee, Mich. (WZMQ) – Each day during Pioneer Days, we get to see a different side of Negaunee. Tuesday was the model A car show and ice cream social held at the Negaunee Historical Museum. Over a dozen classic automobiles from the 20’s and 30’s graced the lawn in front of the museum. Antique car fanatics from across the area gathered to pay homage to this lessor known sibling to the Model T. Art Gischia brought his very special model A to the party, which was a homecoming of sorts.
“Well its a 1930 woody station wagon, and the body was made in Iron Mountain.” Said Gischia. “The steel chassis of course was made by Ford, and Ford would ship those chassis out to an assembler, and then the bodies that were made in Kingsford were shipped to the assembler, and they would put the bodies together and put them on the frames and then ship them back to dealers in this area.”
Earlier in the day, The Negaunee Public Library hosted several local authors for a book signing. The subjects ranged from mysteries, to historical biographies, to kids picture books. Children’s author Nikki Mitchell writes life lessons into all her books and feels that children should appreciate reading at an early age.
“If you Start reading children’s picture books to your children on your lap.” Said Mitchell. “It helps them learn how to read. It builds a connection with you as their caregiver as well which is extremely important, and it solidifies this love for reading.”
The evening wrapped up with a wine tasting party at the Negaunee VFW, complete with live music in the beer garden. Pioneer Days will have events taking place all week, culminating with the parade and fireworks on Saturday July 13th.