MARQUETTE, Mich, (WZMQ) – Marquette Resident Nathan Joyal has filed recall language against Board of Light and Power (BLP) Member Margaret Brumm over her alleged trademark of the nickname “Marquette Sentinels.”
The recall petition (seen below) was filed May 30, 2024. Under the reasons for petition Joyal wrote, “She has threatened to enforce her trademark of the name ‘Marquette Sentinels’ for the stated purpose of coercing Marquette Area Public Schools to change the nickname to ‘Redmen’ which costs the public money and represents a violation of her fiduciary duties to the public.”

The Marquette County Election Commission will meet on Wednesday, June 12 at 3:00 p.m. to “rule on the clarity and factuality of recall language filed.” That meeting will be held in the probate courtroom of the Skewis Annex in the Marquette County Courthouse.