MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – As companies continued to latch onto the idea of involving Artificial Intelligence in their products and services, mobility-related products and medical-related services have surfaced as well. Artificial Intelligence has continued to grow more prevalent in technology which may bring a worry to some, but with the convenience of communication, AT&T has seen a more practical use for its new AI product that’s aiming to benefit mobility safety.
It’s the CAN Go Smart Cane, an AI-powered walking cane that’s created by CAN Go Mobility, and linked to the AT&T network. The cane is equipped with a SIM card, a flashlight, and even GPS services. “Anybody that I give access to on a portal like my caregiver maybe my family or loved ones they can know where I am at all times,” commented AT&T’s Vice President Joe Drygas.
Following AT&T’s goal of growing connectivity everywhere, the Smart Cane can also allow anyone using it to contact their caregiver or anyone they have preset on the cane’s console, in a matter of seconds. “I can with a push of a button call my preset caregiver in this case Matt. ‘Hey Joe it’s Matt is everything okay? Hey Matt, just showing off the smart cane’,” continued Drygas.
On top of connecting to a caregiver, the cane is also equipped with a sensor able to detect if a person falls, or needs help.
“Imagine I’m going for a walk and I fall down this cane because it has built-in artificial intelligence and machine learning has detected the fall it’s beeping it’s flashing it’s vibrating here and if I don’t do anything with it it’ll patch the call immediately with my caregiver,” continued Drygas.
The Smart Cane is also able to track your movement and how many steps you’ve taken, as well as set activity goals for the day. It’s not only for the safety of the elderly, disabled, or anyone who needs the cane, but also to give a little more peace of mind to loved ones at home.