MARQUETTE, Mich (WZMQ) – During a crisis, it can be difficult to think straight. You might be overwhelmed, stressed and anxious while needing to perform CPR. Brandon Cory, with the Marquette Fire Department, says CPR, or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is simpler than you might think. “First thing is chest compressions”, Cory noted that it’s situational awareness that takes more training and practice.
According to Harvard Medical School, 65% of people in the United States say they have CPR certification, but only 18% are up to date on the training. AEDs or automated external defibrillators are becoming more commonly used in emergency situations as most of them will now talk you through the process of giving CPR. “Even with the training it’s not gonna come right to them they’re gonna have that freeze factor and everything”, continued Cory.

The Firefighter notes the common popping and cracking that people hear is most likely the cartilage that holds the ribs in the sternum, rather than bones actually breaking. Officials say knowing the signs of cardiac arrest is just as important.
A sudden loss of responsiveness or irregular breathing that may sound similar to snorting or gasping could be a sign of cardiac arrest. The quicker the Chest compressions begin, the quicker the body can start flooding a healthy supply of oxygen, back to the brain. “Time is everything. A term that we use is time is tissue”, Cory said.
The Marquette Fire Department said there’s no better time than the present to learn, because you never know when you might need it.