HANCOCK, Mich. – The city of Hancock’s Finnish Theme Committee and Finlandia University invites the public to celebrate mid-winter at Heikinpäivä on Thursday, Jan. 19. Pronounced “hey-kin-pie-vuh,” the festival celebrates Finnish heritage in Hancock and the Copper Country as a whole.

“It strives to make winter seem shorter,” said Jim Kurtti, Finnish American Heritage Center director. Kurtti also co-founded the festival in 1999. “We celebrate how winter can be enjoyed in particular through a Finnish heritage lens. After all, who else has a parade in January?”
Kurtti explains Heikinpäivä opens a parade to the public and two toris (markets) will be available at the United Methodist Church and the Finnish American Heritage Center. Families may come and enjoy activities like boot throwing, wife carrying and a signature Finnish event called “Karhunpeijäiset,” or “The Bear Spiral.” Additionally, the Calumet Theatre and the Finnish Heritage American Center will be open showing free films to the public.
To end the night, there will be a “Hobby Horse Hoedown” that anyone can participate in. If you’d like to join the fun, people are encouraged to learn dances like the raatikkoon and mazurka.
“Guests can get the most out of the event by reading our web pages,” said Kurtti. “Signage in Hancock tells people what the parade costumes represent. Which, are Finnish-American and Finnish folk characters.”
Heikinpäivä was founded by Kurtti and the Hancock Finnish Theme Committee in 1999 and has been an annual event since due to its popularity.