MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The Marquette Landmark is under review for a makeover by the Ore Dock BotEco Center Project. This committee has been working on the plan for over 10 years, it has 3 phases and has 4 main pillars of focus which are historical education and restoration, ecology education about the Great Lakes, public spaces, and gardens.
The plan has 3 phases of completion; phase 1, connecting the ore dock to land and adding a sidewalk around the whole dock and a little porch at the end of the ore dock. Phase 2, ensuring it is accessible year-round, by closing dock sections. Phase 3, the final phase is the addition of an indoor and outdoor rooftop garden.
Ore Dock BotEco Center committee finished its Ore Dock display showing all the changes and additions, which you can currently see at Travel Marquette however, they are relocating so the display will need a new home, if you are interested email
“One thing I like to visit whenever I go to different cities is their Botanical Gardens and one day I was sitting out there by Father Marquette’s statue looking down on the Ore Dock going ‘og that would be such a great place for some year-round gardens,” said Gisele Duehrimg, non-profit Friends, Ore Dock BotEco Center board president.
The Ore Dock BotEco Center committee is holding a fundraiser at Texas Road House from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. 10% of your total goes towards the Ore Dock BotEco Center Project, and this project’s display will also be showcased for the public to see it. More information can be found on the Ore Dock BotEco Center Project home page.