MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Celebrating its 80th year anniversary and the long-standing service to UP residents, United Way of Marquette is announcing “Days of Service”. It’s a two-day community-wide event for volunteering, involving the community in hands-on projects on September 10 and 11th. United Way comments that the event, along with those helping, is a good chance to remember the spirit of unity and service that inspired the nation after 9/11.
There are over 160 volunteer opportunities, ranging from writing care cards to senior trail clean-up. “There’s so many different ways of looking at the community it could be helping strangers making friends making new connections, There’s definitely research on acts of kindness and acts of volunteering, it does something internally and really lifts you up,” commented Exec. Dir. of United Way Marquette County, Andrew Rickauer.
Each day United Way hopes to have 80 volunteers in celebration of their anniversary.
Click here, to view more information on how you can help out United Way Marquette County.