MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) — WZMQ 19 News will present a special program recognizing the Martin Luther King holiday on Monday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m.
“MLK: The Dream Lives On” will be hosted by WZMQ 19 anchor Sarah Blakely.
The program features interviews with Michigan’s first Black female Supreme Court Justice and a local man who worked with the late Rep. John Lewis and Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Excerpts from Dr. King’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington will be included during the 30-minute WZMQ 19 News special.
Following the local special at 7 p.m., WZMQ CBS will feature a documentary “Triumph Over Tragedy” with a revealing look at the fight for equal rights and the brutal history of segregation. The program will feature people who lived through the struggle from Montgomery, Alabama. There will be a visit to museums, memorials and an inside look at the former home of Rosa Parks, who is credited with helping start the Civil Rights Movement.