Skies cleared during the day yesterday after some early morning showers. Clear skies and high pressure directly overhead this morning led some inland locations to drop to nearly 40 degrees, but many have already climbed back into the 70s as of noontime. Sunshine will look to continue this afternoon and over the course of these next several days. A few clouds will be possible during the day Wednesday as a cold front surges southward, however showers are not expected. Winds shift to the north after the frontal passage, meaning temperatures will struggle to reach 70 for Thursday due to cooler air blowing in from Lake Superior. Fair conditions and seasonable temperatures in the 70s will continue into the weekend. A stray shower or two cannot be ruled out Saturday or Sunday, but the threat still remains low. UV index values will be high over these next several days so be sure to utilize sunscreen if outside for prolonged periods. That’s pretty much it folks… as we like to say, no news is good news. Get out there and enjoy the pleasant conditions!