MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The NMU Public Relations Student Society of America or (PRSSA) returns this Saturday in Marquette with its 5th Annual Coffee Crawl. With 11 participating shops, this year’s event has even more to offer participants.
This annual crawl started 6 years ago to raise awareness and funds for sexual assault awareness month which occurs each year in April. Proud of all the money raised in past years, Nick Jones, Media Team Lead for the event told us, “A lot of the money we raise goes to the Women’s Center in Marquette as well as raising awareness.”
According to Jones, PRSSA chose the coffee crawl due to the coffee culture in Marquette being so strong. He says even six years ago there were so many coffee shops, but now there are even more.
Elaborating on the strong coffee presence, he said, “So I think everyone just kinda likes coffee so that’s just a natural progression into something that everyone can go out and do that also kind of translated into a good cause and that’s raising money and drinking coffee.”
With this added snow lately, Jones believes this time of year is a perfect time for their crawl and he added, “Where in that kind of 3rd winter area right now, which I think is really good coffee drinking weather and that just ties in with the date, so we are able to do that.”
Jones said they have seen a growth each year since they began and PRSSA is hopeful to break their record of 390 participants set last year with a goal to surpass 400 people in attendance.
Knowing how much this event has to offer Jones said, “It’s a good break for students, because it’s usually the end of the semester for NMU as well as community members because it is just something fun to do on the weekend.”
Participants will be given a passport to go from shop-to-shop sampling different coffees. Tickets are 16 dollars and can be purchased on NMU’s event website or on Saturday at the event.
To learn more about the event, please go here.