MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Each spring the harsh Upper Peninsula winter ends with a celebration in Marquette. The festival of the Angry Bear is filled with beer, food, and games for the whole family
“It’s the biggest block party in Marquette,” said Kris Wierenga the brand manager at the Ore Dock Brewery.
This year the festival of the Angry Bear will be a multi day event. On friday night the Ore Dock Brewery is working with the up children’s museum to host the festival of the baby bear
“[Baby Bear is] More of a family friendly event, we had great response last year and are looking forward to doing it again,” remarked Wierenga.
Saturday morning queen city running company alongside the special olympics of michigan are putting on a 5k.Runners will have the chance to compete for gold and support the special olympics
“Getting everyones heart rate up, excitement up, get that adrenaline going,” said Paige Du Bois, the general manager of Queen City Running Company.
Then on Saturday night is the Festival of the Angry Bear. The entire block of West Spring St. between Front St. and 3rd St. is shut down and festival attendees will have the chance to try some new and unique beers.
“A lot of special tappings, were gonna have some crazy off the wall Breakwater hard seltzers as well, and some ore dock limited releases,”
According to organizers just about every food truck in marquette will be at the festival to serve food throughout the night. The Ore Dock is also adding some new activities this year
“We’re gonna do a beer run relay, a growler holding competition and then as always we’re gonna have a fur ball and bogey costume contest,” said Weirenga.
For more on the festival visit here.