MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – On November 8th, the statewide general elections will be here.
Already more than 1.5 million Michigan voters have requested absentee ballots. If voters are choosing to vote in person, polling locations open on the 8th, from 7 AM to 8 PM. Voters filling in the partisan section of the ballot can cast a split, straight, or mixed ticket.
County Clerk Linda Talsma says that on these even-year ballots, the amount of information can be overwhelming and that people should take time to read through these ballots and research candidates and proposals.
Some have been skeptical of the accuracy of voting, and how these polling locations are recording. Each jurisdiction requires this accuracy testing before every election. “The ballots right now are in all of the local precincts so make sure that you wanted to vote absentee you can definitely do that you can show up, and you can request an absentee ballot at your local precinct,” said Talsma.
As we near the November election, officials are working to make sure these ballots stay secure and that the voter season is a success.