WASHINGTON, D.C. – Florida officials are still trying to assess the damage Hurricane Ian has done to the sunshine state. Florida is reporting that about 100 people have died due to the storm and hundreds of thousands of Floridians are still impacted by last week’s storm. Federal officials are saying there will be an unprecedented amount of help going to Florida.
In a recent spending bill congress just signed off on, it will help FEMA and FEMA programs like the National Flood Insurance Program to have more flexibility in helping with the recovery efforts. They say it will make sure people can get money to help rebuild their homes and businesses.
Right now, FEMA said state and federal search and rescue operations are prioritizing hospitals, health care facilities and barrier island communities. They said more than one-hundred FEMA disaster survivor assistance team staff are working in the hardest hit communities to help survivors apply for assistance and look for other immediate and emerging threats.
FEMA recently announced more than 2,700 people have been rescued as well as 150 pets. They add that 75 percent of the power outages have been restored.
In an email, New York Representative Joe Sempolinski (R- NY) said this:
Conversations among myself and my colleagues in the House have begun regarding aid to those affected by Hurricane Ian. We will continue to work for these people who have had their lives so upended. We must work to help those devastated by this horrible and tragic event. I hope they know that the entire country stands with them in their time of need.
It’s unclear if there will be more financial assistance going to Florida but right now officials are focusing on what’s available at the moment.