LANSING, Mich. (WZMQ) – The Michigan State Police is updating resources for Emergency Operation Planning, the new guidebook for K-12 schools was introduced earlier this week.
Every public school in Michigan has to have a detailed Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).
EOP’s must be reapproved by the school board every two years with the help of local law enforcement. They previously were created using state resources published in 2014.
The new guidebook has been updated by a team of reviewers, including emergency managers, mental health professionals, law enforcement, and school personnel. MSP used funding from a Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant, and resources from the ‘I Love You Guys’ foundation.
The guide includes standard response protocols, classroom quick action guides, and all hazard emergency plan templates for schools to reference.
The Manager of the Michigan State Police Office of School Safety, Kim Root, said the update will help districts revise plans to ensure a safe school year.
“We’re really hoping that schools find the resources both accessible and useful because what we know in school safety is it’s not one thing we do or two things we do. It’s a series of things we do.” Root said. “All these resources are customizable. If you live in the U.P or you live in southeast Michigan or southwest Michigan or in the center of the state, you can take these resources and apply them building by building.”
EOP’s cover not just acts of violence, but severe weather, or facility-related emergencies like water main breaks or gas leaks. Root said the updates will help to keep schools observing best practices while adding new resources for reunification and recovery to round out the plans.
She said it’s important the EOPs address plans and procedures, but also are unique to every facility, and that all staff have the proper training and practice to know exactly what their role is in case an emergency does occur.