NEGAUNEE, Mich. (WZMQ) – UP health departments are teaming up to promote the importance of local public health. Local Public Health Cares is a partnership between six of the county health departments in the UP; Chippewa County, Dickinson-Iron District, Luce-Mackinac-Alger-Schoolcraft District, Marquette County, Public Health Delta & Menominee, and The Wester Upper Peninsula Health Departments.
With the help of state funding, LPH Cares is pooling resources for a UP wide campaign. From community outreach and services, to clinical treatments and environmental health. LPH Cares is working to ensure the public is aware of the resources available to them through local health departments.
In Marquette County, the public health department offers assistance with dental and oral health outreach, vaccination clinics, cancer screenings, and food and water education and assistance. Jerry Messana, Health Officer with the Marquette County Health Department said there’s a long list of resources available at the health department that he want’s to make sure people know how to get access to.
“Whether is access, whether it’s immunizations, whether it’s education and outreach.” Messana said. “We intend to expand on our already existing principles and hopefully reach out to a wider audience that might not be aware of some of the services that we provide.”
You can learn more about Marquette County’s services on its website:
For other county health departments, and more information on LPH Cares, you can visit