ISHPEMING, Mich. (WZMQ) – Local and state union leaders are reacting to Governor Whitmer’s decision to repeal Right to Work in the state of Michigan.
Right to Work was a law signed in 2013 that prohibited requirements that workers pay Union dues or fees as a condition of their employment. The Governor repealed the law on Friday.
According to Donnie Blatt, the director of the Steelworkers Union for Ohio and Michigan Unions will now be able to bargain directly with employers for contracts. Blatt says the changes will not only make the the local unions stronger but help the economy as well
“Right to Work laws affected every Union in the state of Michigan, this will benefit any labor Union that collects dues for members to do the work that they need to do to get strong collective bargaining agreements,” remarked Blatt.
Union leaders say they are working to admit non union laborers into the Unions. Blatt added the repeal will have no effect on construction or work projects around the state.