An all-new, documentary special honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will appear on WZMQ CBS this month.
A news team from the Lilly Broadcasting’s stations visited historic venues in Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, to chronicle the stories of racial segregation and the brave soul who inspired the movement that led to progress and change in the deep south.
Hosted by anchors Renata Stiehl, of WENY, and Isley Gooden, of Erie News Now, the program takes viewers inside Dr. King’s church in Montgomery through the eyes of his parishioners.
The team received access to Rosa Parks home and the Rosa Parks Museum, which honors her part in the Montgomery bus boycott that sparked the movement. A visit to the Freedom Rides Museum profiles the courage of the riders who were attacked and beaten for participating in protests objecting to preferential treatment for whites on interstate bus systems. Viewers will visit the church where the Montgomery Bus Boycott was organized and civil rights memorials and museums, as well as the Edmund Pettis Bridge.
The remarkable, 30-minute program will air exclusively on WZMQ CBS on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m.