MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – In development and construction for 5 years, the Trestle Cocktail Lounge held its grand opening Friday. The new venture by the Ore Dock Brewing Company next door. The Trestle adds a distillery to make craft cocktails and alcohol-free offerings to the famous beers brewed on site. The multi-level property now boasts one of the largest beer gardens in town, complete with fire pits, custom seating, and a gaming area. This expansion, named after the trestle that led trains to the ore dock, also now provides direct access to Front Street.
“You know, we’ve always been a tap room and made our own beer here on site. We started making salts several years ago, and now we are in the distilling business, which is exciting. So, to have a full-service establishment has been a new adventure for us,” said Pernstiener.
According to Pernstiener, the top floor of this expansion will offer workforce housing in the form of several affordable apartments and a kitchen and food service for the tap room.