GLADSTONE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Gladstone residents have an opportunity to voice their opinions on the renewal of a special assessment millage for police and fire protections.
Last June, the City Commission passed a special assessment to fund Public Safety needs, starting at 4.5 mills. At 6 p.m. on Monday, March 24, the Commission will host a public hearing to re-evaluate the amount for the upcoming fiscal year.
“We’re required each year, right around budget time, to re-look at the numbers and come up with a plan,” explained City Manager Eric Buckman. “It’s the same amount, and it’ll be for the same period of time.”
According to Buckman, the special assessment is an important part of keeping the Department of Public Safety well-equipped and up-to-date.
“We use it like a capital improvement plan for the patrol cars,” he said. “We’re also updating some fire equipment, self-contained breathing apparatuses, and turnout gear. There’s expiration dates on that stuff, and we have to replace it.”
In November, Gladstone voters supported a ballot proposal that eliminated the City’s ability to implement special assessments. However, Buckman notes that under Public Act 33, fire and police special assessments are unaffected by that decision.
“What that took away was our ability to special assess for public improvements, which would be roads, utilities—water, sewer, storm sewer—and sidewalks,” he said. “Historically, we’ve used special assessments to fund between 10% – 20% of that figure. We do have the ability in our charter the ability to move funds from the general funds to help with roads, and that’s what we’re going to have to look at.”
The City Commission can either vote on the special assessment renewal on Monday or schedule a future meeting to make a decision. Buckman encourages anyone with questions about the special assessment to attend the hearing to learn more or call his office at (906) 428-2311.