MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Firefighters and police officers of Marquette County faced off on Wednesday at the 41st annual Pigs-N-Heat hockey game. Since 1983, the tradition has grown immensely. Stands were packed at Lakeview Arena for the charity matchup, with hundreds of people in attendance.
“This started out as one single game between firefighters and police officers to help one family, and now 41 years later we’ve given out half a million dollars to local families,” said Brian Olson, the senior advisor for Pigs-N-Heat. The money raised goes towards families in Marquette County who have been relocated or displaced by fires in their homes.
“We offer them a few nights in a local hotel or motel, and also some immediate cash for just the simple necessities,” said Olson. “Anything that will help them get by.” Tickets are sold at one dollar a piece, and along with the many fundraising opportunities, the event raises around $15,000 a year.
This year, the Pigs won with a final score of 6-5.