MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The Marquette Parks and Recreation Advisory Board today announced that they are now taking suggestions for items to be placed in the time capsule set to be buried this coming Fourth of July. This new time capsule will replace the previous one that was interred in 1999 and dug up last summer on Independence Day. The capsule from 99 contained many photographs, newspaper clippings, local shopping, circulars and various items portraying life in the late 90s. Board Chair Amanda Gobert says they will start collecting items tomorrow.
“Collections will take place here at Lakeview Arena, at the parks and recreation office, between eight and five their normal business hours,” said Gobert.
since this is all about the future, getting kids involved is a priority.
“One aim we look at is if we can get some information from the current senior class as well as the current kindergartners, just so that we can see the difference in perspective now, and so that they can take a look at what changed in their lives 25 years from now,” said Gobert..
And what about digital media? Gobert says hard copies are preferred as technology is unpredictable.
“Digital is going to be tough because degradation is a concern, and we also don’t know what the technology is going to be like in 25 years. When they dig this up, we may not have the technology anymore, to be able to access those digital files,” said Gobert.
Anything from the last 25 years is welcome. Basically, anything that depicts Marquette in the current time period.