MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The annual spring tradition of viewing the Blue-Spotted Salamander migration is right around the corner. Over the next few weeks as the snow melts, the southwest side of Presque Isle will be closed to vehicles each evening. Thousands of Blue-Spotted Salamanders will cross Peter White Drive to lay their eggs and breed for the season in the nearby wetlands.
Since 2020, the NMU Biology Department has worked with the City of Marquette and the Superior Watershed Partnership to close the road, heavily decreasing the amount of salamanders that are run over each year.
“We’re really fortunate that it’s in the park, that makes it much easier to control the movement of vehicles,” said Scot Stewart, a board member of the Moosewood Nature Center. “They get across pretty quickly, but it is a little bit of a matter if they get there when there’s traffic, so we want to avoid that.” Stewart says that each year is a little different in the process, with new NMU students coming in and adding their own studies to the research.
“The amazing part about this migration is just the different developments that have occurred in the biological studies here,” said Stewart. “Additional work is done every year to kind of expand what’s going on here. This year we’re going to have some people walk around the island to see if there’s movements in other areas.”
This Wednesday evening, the Moosewood Nature Center will be hosting a learning experience offered by NMU students. They will cover the salamanders’ behavior, adaptations, habitats, and more.
“We’ll be focusing on all the topics of the Blue-Spotted Salamanders,” said Undergraduate NMU Biology Student, Easton Zivnoska. “This is to kind of raise awareness to them and how important they are to the Upper Peninsula and this region.” Easton will be one of the lead student educators on Wednesday.
When the migration begins, Peter White Drive will be closed to motor vehicles from 8pm to 8am every night until the middle of May.
Information on the Moosewood Nature Center Event can be found on their Facebook.