MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The Marquette Department of Public Works just announced a slight change to your weekly trash pick-up. The city will soon only pick up household solid waste contained in specific trash carts, similar to the carts already in use for recycling. The city currently gives residents the choice of using a bag with a tag, official city bags, or the green trash carts. Currently, only 60% of households use the carts, after the mandate, every household will use the green 64 or 96-gallon carts. Director of Public Works, Scott Cambensy says this transition will benefit everyone.
“in the simplest terms, it’s a garbage can on wheels. It has a lid attached to it. It’s got a nice handle that you can tip it and pull it out to the curb on wheels. And when you’re done with the collection, you can tip it again and pull it back to your house. They’re easy to handle,” said cambensy.
Cambensy estimates the roll-out of the new carts will take place sometime early this summer.