ISHPEMING, Mich. (WZMQ) – The West End Health Foundation has launched its Spring Capital Grant Cycle.
From March 3 to April 3, $50,000 will be spread throughout its accepted applicants, ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 grants to non-profit organizations, dependent on available funds.
Kori Bjorne, a board member of the West End Health Foundation says, “if you need a piece of equipment, renovations to a building, or just are in need of a capital item to provide those health and wellness services, please feel free to take a look and apply for our grant application.”
The foundation is looking to benefit non-profit organizations in the surrounding counties of the Upper Peninsula specifically looking for these necessities.
“If you have not applied before, get on sooner rather than later,” says Bjorne. “If you have questions on the application always feel free to get in touch with us.”
The West End Health Foundation holds multiple grant cycles across the year. For more information or to apply, visit the foundation’s website.