MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Starting on May 17, the Downtown Marquette Farmers Market will be back in season. Vendors from the area such as farmers, artisans, and musicians are welcome to apply for the weekly events. Applications for the Saturday morning and Wednesday night markets are now open throughout the full season, which will end in November.
“We always have room for farmers and we will make room for them,” said Brian Shier, the farmers market manager at the DDA of Marquette. “we also accept artisans, anyone who’s making their own product, whether that’s baked goods or fine arts.” Booth fees will depend on whether or not vendors are regularly set up each week. For regular vendors approved for more than 10 markets, the booth fee is $30. For drop in vendors approved of less than 10 markets, the booth fee is $35.
More information and applications can be found on their website.