NEGAUNEE, Mich. (WZMQ) – The new Little Miners Learning Center in Negaunee will begin its first ever semester on Monday.
The learning center is Negaunee’s first public pre-kindergarten option and includes programs for three and four year-olds.
The district began renovating the location for the pre-school, adjacent to the middle school, last year with the help of a $25,000 dollar grant.
“What we’re trying to do really is provide a nurturing environment for our youngsters,” said Kellie Socia, the Negaunee Public Schools special education coordinator. “So that their first experience with school with us is their first experience and it’s a good one, and we’re really excited about the school year.”
The school holds up to 36 students total through its three programs, and still has a few slots available.
The full announcement from Negaunee Public Schools, with information for each program and contact info for anyone interested can be found below.