MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Lake Superior Theatre is raising money to cover the cost of the current season.
The theatre’s president Peggy Frazier said they try to charge as little as possible for shows to make theatre accessible for everyone.
“Our goal is to raise enough money to help cover our productions,” said Frazier. “As tickets cost less than half of our production cost as traditional in theatres. It is our mission to make live theatre available to everyone and we appreciate those who are able to donate additional funds to make up the difference. It is also our goal to make Lower Harbor a more animated and economically viable part of our community.”
So to help cover season costs, the theatre is holding a fundraiser tomorrow evening.
Kathleen Daniels, an artist from lower Michigan, will be performing music by Carole King.
She’s also inviting the audience to sing along.
“I just kind of love how people love it, and that’s why I’ll do it again and again,” said Daniels. “Because I know that there’s something that they’re all enjoying, and they all are singing the same song. It’s great.”
Saturday’s show is sold out but Lake Superior Theatre’s full season can be found below.
If you are interested in donating, or volunteering for Lake Superior Theatre, you can find more information on its website.