KINGSFORD, Mich. (WZMQ) – The upcoming Iron Mountain-Kingsford 4th of July parade sees significant route changes this year due to ongoing construction on Carpenter Avenue. Ashley Ellis, the Parade Chair, outlined the modifications aimed at ensuring safety and smooth operation.
“The biggest thing is our construction,” Ellis explained. “We’re going to have a slight detour going from Woodward to Kimberly, from Kimberly to Detroit, and then Detroit right back on Carpenter before returning to the normal parade route.”
Ellis emphasized safety as a top priority, particularly concerning the placement of the judges’ table and spectator areas. “Our judges’ table will be moved to the beginning of the parade, right at our staging area at Balsam,” she said. “From there, it’s going to be from Balsam to Woodward. We don’t want any spectators on the road for safety reasons. No candy is worth your kid’s life.”
Participants were reminded of the approaching deadline for parade applications. “The deadline is this Friday if you want to get an application in,” Ellis noted. “We have a grace period until next Friday, but you will pay a $30 late fee. After that, no more applications will be accepted. You can get an application at the First National Bank location or”
This year’s parade will feature a new grand marshal, John Armitage Jr., a veteran and dedicated volunteer for the VA in the community. Ellis mentioned, “I’m not sure what vehicle he’ll be in, but he’ll be in the front, waving at everyone.”
Ellis reiterated the importance of spectators adhering to the new route and safety protocols. “If you’re on the end of Carpenter where the construction is, you probably won’t see the parade,” she said. “Most people have the message and know there’s a route change. If you see the crowd elsewhere, maybe move toward where the crowd is.”
With these changes, the Iron Mountain-Kingsford community is prepared to celebrate the 4th of July with safety and enjoyment in mind.
For those interested in applying to enter a float in this year’s Iron Mountain-Kingsford Independence Day Parade, visit: