MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – This year happens to mark the 125th anniversary of Northern Michigan University, and on Saturday, May 4th, over 900 Wildcats walked across the stage to collect their degrees and enter the next chapter as NMU alumni.
“Over the past four years, I’ve made NMU my home and it does feel hard to give it up,” commented Theatre Technology and Design Graduate Gianna Bratke.
Some familiar faces walked into their next chapter as well. “Enjoy your time, college goes by way too fast everyone always says that but you don’t really appreciate it until you’re in it,” commented Multimedia Journalism Graduate Scott Minshall.
Most of these graduates happen to start their college career at the height of the pandemic, and even with the obstacle they accepted their degrees and move on to the alumni family.
“Knowing that so many of these graduates didn’t get a normal celebration 4 years ago when they were crossing the stage for high school so getting to be apart of that today is really special,” commented Vice President of the Northern Experience Jeff Korpi.
Students and faculty believe being at Northern is a privilege, not just for the education provided but with the surrounding beauty of the UP.
“Northern is such a unique place because of all the opportunities we get here mixed with the outdoors stuff, the football games the hockey games, and then next thing you know you’re walking across the stage and finishing you’re degree,” continued Minshall.
“You know that one day you’re going to have to say goodbye but it’s surreal because you know the time is coming and it’s hard to say goodbye but you know you’re prepared for it,” commented Bratke.
“You’re a wildcat you’ll always be a wildcat you’ll always have that spirit in you whether you’re here inside the dome today or not it’s all about what you learned and how you connected, those things that you conquered while you were a student here they stay with you for the rest of you’re life,” continued Korpi.