MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Marquette Area Public Schools is still in search of what the new school mascot, Marquette Sentinels, will look like. At Monday night’s board meeting, the bord reported they’ve already spent roughly $40,000 on generic jerseys with the block “M” logo.
“Everything has a lifespan, we usually have a rotating system for purchasing jerseys and such. There were just a few teams that we needed to purchase jerseys for that had the old nicknames on,” commented MAPS Board President Kristen Cambensy.
At this time Cambensy said they’ve only received around 20 submissions for what the Sentinel mascot will look like. The Board hasn’t sought outside funding for the rebranding cost yet but predicts it might play a role shortly.
“I believe eventually we will probably look into some outside funding sources we have talked to a couple of people about some possible grants that we might be able to apply for but as of right now we have not,” continued Cambensy.
All of the MAPS logo suggestions are due to the board by March 22nd.
For anyone looking to send in a suggestion, just email them to