MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Local nonprofits working to assist with homelessness and those in recovery have recieved community support, moving closer to the mission of providing care to those underserved in the UP.
The Community Foundation of Marquette County has distributed $180,000 in grant funds on behalf of the Zacchaeus Fund.
The Zacchaeus Fund nonprofits recieving the grant dollars include Great Lakes Recovery Centers ($50,000), The Women’s Center of Marquette ($40,000), Janzen House ($30,000), the Room at the Inn ($30,000) and Superior Connections RCO ($30,000).
“At the end of the day it is about our neighbors it is about people volunteering their time…so whether it’s a private donor who’s supporting it from a financial perspective, whether it’s the staff at the women’s center…it’s just kind of looking at that network and recognizing that we all care about this community,” commented Community Foundation CEO Zosia Eppensteiner.
Room at the Inn recieved 30 thousand of the grant and noted that the investment helps the organization separate from what the normal operating expenses are and focuses on meeting the community needs.
“As we look to see what the unmet needs are we see that families who are experiencing homelessness, families with children is the next faction of individuals that we want to be able to serve and so this seed money allows us to explore growing our mission to then accept families with children here shortly,” commented Marquette Room at the Inn Executive Director Chelsie Wilkinson.