IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (WZMQ) – Dickinson County Clerk Carol Bronzyk announced key details for the upcoming primary election, highlighting the convenience of early voting from February 17-25 at Kingsford City Hall. This change not only streamlines the process but also proves cost-effective for taxpayers.
“We had to buy all new machines for early voting, and you have to have workers. To have at least three workers at one site really limits the cost,” Bronzyk stated.
Bronzyk emphasized the need for precinct-specific voting on election day, but clarified that early voting at Kingsford City Hall accommodates residents from various precincts. The introduction of new machines for early voting aims to enhance the voting experience while optimizing costs with a reduced workforce.
With insights into the ballot structure, Bronzyk explained the distinction in the presidential primary where voters choose between Republican, Democrat, or proposal-only ballots. However, she cautioned against crossing over in August, emphasizing party-specific voting in the general election. In November’s Presidential election, parties may cross over.
The upcoming election brings a total of 7 proposals for Dickinson County voters. Notably, Iron Mountain and Norway Township feature unique proposals on their ballots, adding to the complexity of the choices voters will face.
“Whether you have all seven items depends on what ballot you have. There are 7 proposals, but the rest of the county only has 5. Iron Mountain has one for their liaison officer, so they’re going to have six proposals on their ballot, and then the liaison officer is only on Iron Mountain because it’s the Iron Mountain school liaison officer,” explained Bronzyk. Norway township will have a fire and road proposal.
Bronzyk highlighted that all but one proposal are renewals, emphasizing continuity in the county’s priorities. The exception, a proposal for the Dickinson-Iron ISD technical education center, proposes a tax increase of $0.52 per $1000 of taxable value for homeowners over 10 years.

Providing insights into precinct changes, Bronzyk outlined adjustments in Kingsford and Norway Township, emphasizing a more central location at Saint Barbara’s church for Norway Township voters.
As Dickinson County gears up for the primary election, these details underscore the commitment to an efficient and accessible democratic process.
“We always can use workers. I’m going to have election training on January 26th at Bay College here in Iron Mountain. A session in the morning and a session in the afternoon. There’s been a lot of people that want to work early voting, of course because it’s 8-4. You’re not here til 1, 2 o’clock in the morning, which a lot of elections, we are,” remarked Bronzyk, highlighting the crucial need for more locally trained in-person election officials.
For a detailed outline of what’s on the No-Party, Republican, or Democratic county ballot, visit:
To sign-up for election training, contact the County Clerk at: – or call the courthouse.