If you are looking for something spooky, fun, and educational this weekend, I have the event for you!
The Ghosts of Lighthouse Point are back, haunting the Marquette Maritime Museum.
“Ghosts of Lighthouse Point” is a guided walk through the grounds of the Marquette Maritime Museum, Lighthouse, and the old U.S. Life Saving Service/Coast Guard buildings. Many of the buildings are said to be haunted by past residents– some of whom even speak and interact with the tour guests!
The event will be from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 through Saturday, Oct. 14, with tours starting every 10 minutes. The 7 p.m.-hour tours are “family-friendly,” and after 8 p.m., children under 12 are not recommended to participate.
The event is an annual fundraiser for the Marquette Maritime Museum, and the entry fees go directly to the museum. Food donations go directly to the NMU food pantry.
The cost is $10 per adult plus a non-perishable food donation, NMU students are $8 plus a food donation, and children 11 and under are $5.
Tickets are still available and can be purchased by contacting the Maritime Museum at 906-226-2006.
All tours begin in the US Coast Guard Station parking lot; however, there is no parking on site, so plan on parking on the adjacent streets.
This is one of my favorite events of the year, and I highly recommend you check it out!