WASHINGTON, D.C. – People from coast to coast traveled to our nation’s capital for the March for Life event. It’s one of the largest anti-abortion events. We caught up with some locals who made the trip down to DC.
The national mall was crowded with people attending the 50th annual march for life event.
“There’s definitely excitement here today there’s a lot of people from around the country to raise awareness and speak for the conscious of our people and have a respect and dignity for every human life and the hard work and labor that it takes to walk with people in need every day,” said Father Ryan Ford with the St. John and St. Joseph Parish in Ipsheming, MI.
The march was created in response to the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion across the country. This is the first march since that ruling was struck down last summer. People across the country still made the trek down to DC to take part in the event, including people from Erie, Pennsylvania.
“It’s always pretty invigorating and inspiring,” said Tim Broderick from Erie, PA. “It’s good to see so many young people out here. I’ve been doing this since 1996.”
And Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
“First time here and I’m excited about it,” said 17 year-old Roman Zeise from Michigan. “I think it’s an honor really to represent the UP and to show our values in what we fight for and strive for up there and what we want on a national level.”
“It’s such an amazing cause,” said 16 year-old Katelyn Rexford from Michigan. “I actually have Turner syndrome. It’s a syndrome not a lot of people hear of, it’s very rare. A lot of the doctors tell the mothers of expecting turner syndrome babies and I march for all those angels who could’ve been here today.”
Now that Roe is gone, some activists are turning their attention towards state legislatures. They said the anti-abortion fight is not over.
“It’s wonderful to be around thousands of like-minded people and it really lets you know that you’re not alone in this fight,” said Shauna Jackson from Erie, PA.