MARQUETTE, Mich (WZMQ) – Hit after hit, athletes are conditioned to take impacts. As seen on the big screen, the human body has it’s limits behind the. There is a lot of risk that these players assume as soon as they step on the field. From a sprained ankle to possibly your heart stopping, there are factors in these sports that can cause severe injuries.
Which is more dangerous? Football, hockey, or basketball? Well, all sports seem to have some level of injury or risk every time an athlete takes the field. “Yeah each time we run on the field do deal with an athlete we don’t know if we’re going to be dealing with something like Mr. Hamlin went through or simply a sprain”, said Mark Stonerock.
Mark is an athletic trainer at the UP Rehab Center and the president of the Michigan athletic trainer society. Condition, practice, rest and repeat. Mark says that preparation is really the key.
“This is working balance and concentration, a lot of times when people have a concussion or some other type of traumatic injury they need to get back to the appropriate perceptive and awareness need to balance and concentrate at the same time”. At the High School level, Marquette Athletic Director Alex Tisceo says that an injury on the field always sparks his worry for the player’s condition and that having the UP Rehab Trainers on the field keeps parents and coaches at ease knowing their children will get the attention they need.
“I think with any injury immediately you’re trying to evaluate, is this an emergency situation or non emergency situation”, says Tisceo. In the sports world, the word concussion can silence a locker room sometimes faster than the coach can, and as these players are consistently conditioning their bodies to push to the next level, trainers remind them that push can influence some danger as well.