MARQUETTE, MI (WZMQ) – There are new details from the CDC saying flu activity this season in the United States is at a low. Mask wearing and other precautions adopted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic may have caused our immunity levels to get lower.
Located at their; Ishpeming, Houghton, and Calumet hospitals, the Express Clinic is open daily except for holidays and treats non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries.
“People need to remember like we aren’t wearing masks you know be diligent about hand washing,” said Nurse Practioner Rebbekkah Marasco.
In the short weeks that we’ve seen a temperature drop, Rebbekkah Marasco says the flu might be worse than in previous years. As kids are getting back to in-person schooling and with families going on vacations again, these common colds and flu-like symptoms could be much worse. Marasco says in the previous weekend she saw over 30 patients, each of who had symptoms of upper respiratory issues.
For more information on the Express Clinic’s hours and locations, visit here.