Marquette, Mich. (WZMQ) – The United Way of Marquette County is kicking off their annual fundraiser by hosting a hockey game between the Detroit Redwings Alumni team and Yoopers United, a team made up of local hockey players.
The game will be played at the berry events center this saturday at 6pm and all the proceeds will benefit 28 local organizations who teamed up United Way to host the game.
The Night will feature other fun events like a 50/50 raffle, chuck a puck, and bucket raffles.
Andrew Rickauer, the Executive Director of United Way of Marquette County said “It’s just a great way to bring the community together for a real positive event, something unique to the area, and it’s all for a good cause, it helps support our friends, neighbors, and the community.”
Rickauer told WZMQ he was hoping to see a sold out crowd Saturday night and was very excited about the opportunity the game presents to have a very positive impact on the Marquette community.
The organizations benefited by the game strive to help financially burdened residents of the Marquette area by improving Education, Healthcare, and other areas of need.
Tickets for the game can be purchased here.