ISHPEMING, Mich. (WZMQ) – The West End Youth Center is holding a rummage sale to raise money for their new project. The sale will be Saturday in the Gossard Building second floor event space from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Money raised from the sale will go towards building a new youth complex to serve youth of the west end. The Youth Center is also partnering with 4-H and Boys and Girls Club of America for the new complex to provide tutoring, study programs, a 4-H farm, and more. “This will also be a place where they can come and eat after school and they’ll also have a chance to have some fun and make some new friends,” said West End Youth Center Steering Committee President Jason Chapman. “And eventually get to adopt an animal at the 4-H farm and play in the fun zone and a lot more.”
Chapman also said they hope the new complex will be able to serve youth from all over the county and not just the west end.