MANISTIQUE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Next week, the Upper Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance is hosting an event to strengthen its relationship with the community.
The Alliance invites the public to attend a free Connection Reception at the Boudrose Louge on Tuesday, March 11, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.
Attendees will have the opportunity to network with local artists, cultural leaders, educators, patrons, and others about what they’d like to see in their communities.
“It’s a great chance to meet some of our board members and a lot of our supporters in the local community,” said Susan Roll, Alliance Board President. “It can broaden your scope of impact and your interests. It’s not just about where you work or what you do; it’s about what you love and what you enjoy and meeting other people who probably will love and enjoy the same things.”
That same day at 2 p.m., the public is also welcome to attend the Alliance’s quarterly board meeting, held at The Mill in Downtown Manistique, to learn more about the work the board does throughout the year.
The Boudrose Lounge is located at 375 Traders Point Drive, Unit 5. For more information on the event and the Upper Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance, visit the organization’s website or Facebook page.