MARQUETTE, Mi (WZMQ)—The SHAPE, Superior Hill Association Parents in Education, has taken matters into their own hands by getting the students a new playground. Superior Hill Parents have started a fundraiser to raise 10,000 dollars for a new and improved playground.
When parent Kim Doppelt first enrolled her children, she and other parents noticed a need for a replacement playground with upgraded accessibility and harder challenges for the students. The school’s population has grown 25% since opening 30 years ago, and the current playground is a hand-me-down from another school.
“It’s been around and been well loved and we thought it was time for an upgrade we plan to replace it with a playground that’s more accessible for all children and has a lot more challenges for all children,” said Kim Doppelt, SHAPE President.
The 10,000 dollars the parents are working to fundraise is only a portion of the project’s budget. The group plans to fill in the financial gaps with business donors and grants, however donations are always welcome. The group and school hope to start installation next summer of 2026.
To donate to the playground fundraiser go to the Superior Hill Equipment Drive page, or you can also check out the Superior Hill Playground Project Facebook page.