ISHPEMING, Mich. (WZMQ) – Partridge creek farms cut the ribbon on a new walk produce cooler that will allow the farm to safely store freshly harvested produce and was made from a repurposed shipping container. The creation of the walk-in cooler marks a significant milestone for the farm as they are able to service their community partners in a much easier and accessible way.
The farm said previous to the cooler, they were using four regular sized refrigerators, now they are able to store all the produce in one place.
“We are literally in the middle of this civic life and we just want to provide accessible, equitable food access to our community members,” says Sara Johnson, executive director for the Partridge creek farms. “All ages, all different ethnicities everybody here is welcomed. We just want to provide ya’ll great healthy food.”
The cooler’s construction was made possible through the generous support of funders and community partners, including the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, the Community Foundation of Marquette, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the West End Health Foundation.
The farm also is folding a farm stand every Wednesday from 2:30pm-6 pm and has volunteers come out every Thurday from 2pm-4pm.
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