MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – Northern Michigan University has moved its day of giving and launched a ‘Giving Day’, honoring NMU’s charter in 1899.
This year, the theme is ‘Give 2 What You Love‘, with a university-wide matching gift for up to $100,000 raised.
Also attached to the Giving Day, each gift made out to an academic department will not only be doubled, but the donation will put the department in the running for the Department Challenge, where $25,000 will go to the top three departments with the highest level of participation.
As of 4 pm Thursday around 379 people have donated almost 180 thousand and faculty said it’s a good representation of not only the charitable students and faculty, but the surrounding community as well.
“There’s a match going on today so funding would be another opportunity for community engagement, along with so many of the things that happen on campus really help to create a culture of engagement and belonging,” commented NMU’s Director of Research Tesse Sayen.
NMU’s Giving Day ends at 3 AM, click here to learn more.