ISHPEMING, Mich. (WZMQ) – Business Professionals of America is an organization that gives High School students from across the nation the opportunity to learn a variety of career skills, while competing at a state, regional, and national level. A UP team from Westwood High School has made it to the national competition.
“It’s my first year in it I didn’t think I was going to make it to nationals but honestly it’s just such an amazing experience and I’ve had so much fun so far,” commented Office Systems competitor Emily Hytinen.
“It’s very much a confidence builder I enjoy the medical field and learning things about it, I do it partly to help me for the test but also I just wanna perfect it,” commented Health Administration competitor Clara Kruger.
Students take what they’ve learned in class and participate in team or individual-based test-taking or judged presentations that demonstrate their understanding of industries from Health Administration, Finance, and Legal Procedures.
“So I usually have to type up maybe around 2 or 3 professional legal documents like affidavits and final judgements and everything like that. There’s a lot like civil law and things like that,” commented Legal Procedures competitor Isabelle Grochowski.
Gabriel Grondz is one of the 7 Westwood High School’s Business department students going to the national competition, he says because of BPA, he’s gaining knowledge and expertise in an area he never thought he would.
“My first year I got third in my contest at regionals then I got 9th at state which isn’t enough to go to nationals but then this year I worked harder than I did before and got 1st in both of my contests,” commented Advanced Office Procedure competitor Gabriel Grondz.
Some students are heading back to nationals for the second time, and say now that they’ve gotten their feet wet and are ready to bring home 1st place.
“Last year I was really nervous doing all the tests and I didn’t know if I was going to make it and everything and now this year I’m going to try my best and I know I can do it cause I did it last year and it’s a lot of fun”, continued Grochowski.
Students will be heading down to Chicago, competing for the national title on May 10th.
Click here for more information on the Business Professionals of America and how you can participate.