MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – MLK Day celebrations have run almost 55 years of reminders to communities about forming a diverse culture of people, and the celebrations are continuing in the UP area. Michigan Technological University will be starting its MLK Celebration with a brunch starting at 10 AM, followed by various speeches to recognize the change that’s been brought to campus over its history.
Michigan Technological University will be hosting a keynote speaker in the Van Pelt building at noon, followed by students and faculty doing a prayer vigil reading from Dr. King’s work. MTU’s Brass Band will be playing along with the Michigan Tech Choir, performing songs like “Oh Freedom” as a way to look back and appreciate the change Dr. King brought to the world.
“Although it’s a day off it’s meant to be a day on for community and acts of service and so we’re hoping we can come together have food and fellowship in the morning, get fed, and then go out and do acts of service,” commented MTU’s Student Success Coordinator Diversity and Inclusion Rachel Hathcoat.
Following the performance, the brass band will be leading a peaceful march out to the Huskie statue at 1 PM.
Northern Michigan University is also planning a big day of celebration on Monday. Starting a noon, Dr. Tessman will give an opening speech, followed by leaders of the campus’s Black Student Union. “I think we sometimes forget that time is something that happens slowly. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was only 60 years ago and the things that have happened in 60 years are astronomical and hopefully on Monday we can lay the groundwork for the next 60 years,” commented Communication Chair for Black Student Union Shiloh Bechek.
BSU and the University will be hosting blanket-making workshops and more community events that the organizers hope will help spotlight the positive impact Dr. King had on the world. “It’s that awareness and it’s continually fighting for social justice and I think the Marquette community and the Northern Michigan University campus do a great job of having those conversations and sometimes they are difficult,” commented Director for Student Enrichment Rachel Harris.
For more information on the MTU events for Martin Luther King Day, click here.
For more information on the NMU events planned for the holiday, click here.