The Womens’ Club of St. Louis the King Church in Harvey spent the day preparing for their annual Fall Bazaar fundraiser.
The bazaar has been a tradition for over 25 years and features vendors, a rummage sale, and a full turkey dinner.
This year there will be over 40 different vendors selling homemade items such as jewelry, clothing, and baked goods.
The Womens’ Club Treasurer Mary Ann Bernier said the bazaar is not just for the church, but for the community.
“It brings the whole community together,” said Bernier, “It’s people from all over the Marquette County area that come to participate or are vendors. It helps us fund some of the ministries here at our church, and those ministries aren’t just for people within our parish but also for people within the community.”
Money raised from the bazaar will go towards providing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner baskets to families in the Marquette area.
The bazaar starts at 9 a.m. with the turkey dinner starting at 11:30 a.m.