MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – A local cannabis shop is gaining some recognition helping their product to stand out. Higher Love is the first cannabis shop in the Upper Peninsula to receive a Clean Green certification status. The recreational shop provides some cannabis products that are deemed “clean” using sustainable practices, quality ingredients, and recycled Upper Peninsula soil.
Higher Love is one of two shops that have this certification in the state, and they commented that this is just another step in making their product more unique.
“We really can’t get much more organic than we already are in terms of our nutrients, our growing medium anything that we spray on the plants is all a natural ingredient and we’ve done that for as long as we’ve been growing it’s just that now we have the certification to prove it,” commented the President of Higher Love Joni Moore.
Higher Love hopes to add more designations and labels towards the clean green certified products in the near future.