MARQUETTE, Mich. (WZMQ) – For the first time since before the Covid 19 Pandemic youth in Marquette area have the chance to get out the water and row this summer.
The U.P. Rowing Club is once again holding their summertime ‘Learn to Row’ program The course is for ages 13 to 18 and will meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. from June 26th to August 30th
The program is open to rowers of all experience levels, even those who have never tried the sport
“It seems intimidating because you only ever see it in the olympics, and they are really good and really fast, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, it doesn’t have to be competitive,” said Betsy Dank, one of the U.P. Rowing Club’s leaders.
Alongside the physical benefits of rowing, coaches say the sport also promotes teamwork. But according to Scott Stephenson of the U.P. Rowing Club joining the course can lead to scholarships and international travel.
“We have had some students in the past row at division 1 schools,” remarked Stephenson.
If you would like to try rowing but aren’t in the 13-18 age group, the Rowing Club is offering an adult course as well this summer.
For more information on how to sign up visit here.